Object details
- UNIVERSAL Test Artist
Reference Internal ref 2
Art Object ID: 4060422072050
This is the title 2
Print ( from 2018 To 31 December 2017, LocationSomeWhere)
part of the suite "Suite title 1", sequential number 1
1 unit of (minimum) steel brand10, 2 kg of (estimate) copper brand 20 from Bahamas on on 3 gr of (maximum) coal brand 3 from Canada
Attributes: Titled "att 2" front bottom right; Die stamp "att 1" right border; Watermark "att 3" verso
base: 10 some x 20 assembled x 30 at latest cm (Height x Width x Depth, approximate) ;
Album: 40 before restoration x 50 assembled x 60 earliest cm (Height x Width x Weight, unknown)
Parts of the object:- Part 1 / ***Part 1:
- / ***part 2:
- / ***part 3:
No. used colors: 2
No. used plates: 2
Paper: Guarro "Alfa"
Paper weight: 300 gr/m².
watermark: Aquari
Tirage 99
Editions:- A : A.P., 111 proofs (some) (1111)
Paper: Alejandre
watermark: Aquari
posthumous edition, authorized: "Internationale Sommerfestspiele" de Berlín
Receiver: GALLERIA 70
Attributes: Avant la lettre
2222 x 98098709 cm (Height x Width) - 20 : artist proofs, 20 proofs (assembled) (20)
Paper: BFK
watermark: BFK Rives
Receiver: 2RC Stamperia d'Arte
Attributes: Die stamp "text 1" right border; Bestowed "text 2" Front
Album: 10 x 20 x 30 cm (Height x Width x Diameter) ;
base: 40 x 50 x 60 cm (Height x Width x Duration)
Academy: Atelier 17
Bank (private): by the author
english note - 30 : Cancellation proof, Unknown quantity (30)
Paper: Canson
watermark: Canson
Other Titles:
"deutscher titel" (German, alternate) , Arte español en Nueva York (Colección Amos Cahan) (1987)
"english title" (English, translated) , ‘Últimos Grabados’ de Enrique Brinkmann en la Galería Taller Gravura (2013)
Author: A & E. Rich
Commissioneer: A.C. Mazo et Cie
helper: by the author
english note
Atelier 17 (New York, United States) , 1.1.2001 - 31.12.2002
2RC Stamperia d'Arte (Roma, Italy) , 2.2.2002 - 31.12.2002
Related objects: Is copy of "This is the title of work ref. 3"
Data provided by the artist
© UNIVERSAL Test Artist
Art Object ID: 4060422072050
open.cr permalink : <a href="https://open.cr/aoid/4060422072050>
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- Part 1 / ***Part 1: